The Marczyk Culinary Center
The all-new, state-of-the-art Marczyk Culinary Center is located in Denver’s Park Hill. The industrial space was completely renovated and houses not only the bakery and savory kitchens, but warehouse space and administrative offices as well.
Here we bake bread, craft pies, create our savory offerings, package our entire line of market-made goods, balance the books, warehouse our supplies, and make the magic happen daily. The facility is humming from 2:30 a.m. when our bakers arrive to late at night when our last cook locks the doors and puts the place to bed.
As wonderful as it sounds, the MCC is not open to the public, or to soliciting. And we don’t have anything to buy there, so hit the stores for food, t-shirts, gift cards, wine, etc.
4850 E 39th Ave Denver CO 80207
Phone Number: 303-894-9499
email: fresh@marczyk.com